George Ross, also known as 'The Man in Black' began shooting in 1948 and over the years he shot at over 1 million targets. He was a member of the Men's All American team 4 times, the California State Team 2 times and the PITA Men's Team 10 consecutive years.

George broke over two hundred 100 straights in 16 yards and broke 200 straight 9 times.

In 1963, he was California State High All Around Champion with 379X400. He was Runner-up in the Ohio Handicap at the Grand American with a score of 98 x100. He won 5 trophies at the Grand American.

In 1965, George won the Las Vegas Handicap Championship and won a new Buick.

Through his shooting career, George won over 500 trophies. George stopped shooting in 1984 due to ill health.

George and his son Phil, were the only father and son on the PITA and ATA All American teams.

George O. Ross was inducted in to the California Trapshooting Hall of Fame in 1975.

June 1968 Trap and Field Cover with Phil and George Ross

May 1969 The Skeeter Cover

May 1969 The Skeeter Article